19 maggio 2023, ore 9.00
Centre Mahler, 9, rue Mahler, 75004 Paris, Salle RDJ2
Cures, patients and therapists in the history of animal magnetism
Workshop of the program «Harmonia Universalis. Du mouvement mesmérien à l’internationale magnétiste»
The workshop aims to open new perspectives on the therapeutic applications of the doctrine of animal magnetism elaborated in the late 18th century by F.A. Mesmer and its developments represented by artificial somnambulism and hypnosis.
Organized by:
LabEx Hastec, IHMC, CNR-ISPF, CéSor University of Fribourg.
Modalità di partecipazione:
The Workshop will be held in presence, the link for assisting by remote can be asked at the address below
For information:
Allegato: locandina