Bollettino del Centro di Studi Vichiani Vol.XLVIII/1-2
ON THE ORIGIN OF THE CONCEPTS OF INGENUITY AND PHANTASY IN VICO. The categories of phantasy and ingenuity and their cognitive and productive value are the main thread of Vico’s philosophy. These founding principles, not subject to historicisation, allow the long and articulated process of humanizing the world and nature. They represent, indeed, the initial act of wisdom, the foundation of the genetic process of human civilization. Any reflective judgement is always preceded by the inventive activity of discovering things.
THE JOY OF BARBARISM. Rereading the great philosophic myth of the exit from the state of barbarism (both of sense and of reflection) restores an image of Vico as a philosopher of ignorance (objective genitive) and of limits, as well as a (classic author without being a classicist. He has become an author; indeed} in whom we can see an outcome of the anti-renaissance, or tragic humanism.
HISTORY OF WORD AND HISTORY OF THINGS. A SHORT NOTE ON VICHIAN PHILOLOGY. This Note takes off from theDe constantia philologiae and proposes Vico’s original conception of philology, in which the dominant link between words and things reaches the point of turning the Science of words into a kind of knowledge which involves all the historical matter that the Scienza nuova would deal with in the course of its development.
ANTONIO GRAMSCI’S VICO. The aim of this article is to under- stand to what extent Gramsci received Vico’s philosophy through a series of philosophical and historical mediations which composed an original figure of the Neapolitan thinker. In order to estimate Vico’s influence in the development of Gramsci’s thought we must highlight all these different paths which characterize the diffusion of Vichian thought in the 19th and the early 20th centuries.
ON METAPHYSICS AND HISTORY; THE UNIVERSAL RIGHT. This article examines two well-known translations of Vico’sUniversal Right into English and Spanish. The premises and the theoretical consequences of these editions are examined in the light of the relationship between metaphysics and history. The author intervenes directly on this subject and discusses its fundamental issues also considering ethics as a doorway to the new Science of history.
VICO IN THE 18th CENTURY. VICO AMONG THE ENLIGHTENMENTS? This contribution intervenes on the revival of an historiographical trend which positioned Vico’s thinking either in the stream of ‘radical Enlightenment’ or in the opposite one of ‘catholic Enlightenment’. Nevertheless, while it takes a position concerning these ‘categories’, the article underlines the concept of a providence which operates, in Vico’s conception, in natural very simple ways («vie semplicissime»), and must be understood by referring to the innovative and even insidious tendencies of ‘Christian philosophy’ existing in the 18th century. In this sense we can speak of a ‘third way’ between a ‘laic, heterodox Vico and a ‘catholic’ one, more or less orthodox.
PAVESE AND THE SAVAGE. This essay analyses thè category of the savage in Cesare Pavese’s reflection. This writer, referring to Vico’s work, offers a more complex idea of mankind’s experience. The savage points towards the vestiges of an archaic life surviving within modem life. In Pavese, however, this term does not only have an anthropological relevance: it becomes also an aesthetic principle which drives art beyond naturalism.
EREIGNIS OR HUMANITAS? THE ANCIENT WISDOM ACCORDING TO VICO AND VIRGIL. The author revisits Heidegger’s most criticai passages regarding Roman humanism, and seeks to point out, with thè help of Vico, our civilisation’s stili unexplored possibilities. Along-side of Hölderlin’s nostalgia for thè Greeks, thanks to Vico’s poetic metaphysic a decisive place is reserved for the Antiquissima italorum sapientia.
THE HISTORICAL NOTION OF NATURAL RIGHT IN VICO’S THOUGHT BETWEEN DE RATIONE AND DE UNO. The aim of this article is to retrace the dialectic development of Vico’s thesis concerning natural law. Vico chose the great theorists of natural law who flourished between the end of I7th and the beginning of l8th century as an important source of inspiration and, at the same time, as the principal opponents of his innovative System of historical interpretation.
THE «DIVORCE» BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND THE HEART- THE EXAMPLE OF SOCRATES. Contemporary literature is devoting much interest to thè figure of Socrates. This essay utilizes this figure in order to focus on Vico’s engagement against sectorialized and specialistic knowledge, towards a global and comprehensive function of philosophy. Vico’s discussion about Socrates provides important cues to the debate on the articulation of scientific knowledge in the academic context as well as in divulgation.
VICO THE MONARCHIST? A RIGHT WING RECEPTION IN THE SPANISH PRESS (1902-1936). The focus of this paper is on the reflection of the 19th century reception of Vico in some of the main right-wing Spanish journals between the early 20th century and the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. The author thus points out an interpretation of Vico’s ideas based on fascist ideological positions. At that time some well known falangist authors, including Eugenio Montes, Rafael Sànchez Masas, José Pemartin or Carlos Fernàndez Cuenca, proposed and defended the image of a conservative and monarchistic Vico, traditionalist and anti-modern.
SIX UNTIMELY OBSERVATIONS ON VICO. Against some of the most common preconceived opinions on Vico, these short observations try to state what I think are actually the most important traits of Vico’s philosophy, that it is a philosophy of the embodied mind, that the mini is embodied in poetic characters and that this philosophy is the foundation of a reai ‘science’ of the civil word. The fifth and sixth observation draw thè attention to two dark politicai visions: to thè barbarism of reflexion (‘barbarie della riflessione’) and to a world of bad metaphysics (rea metafisica) depicted in 1730 by Vico’s ekphrasis of an alternative negative dipintura.
IDANTURA’S «REAL WORDS». Centred on the ‘exemplar figure of thè Scythian king Idantura, this essay focuses on the meaning and the consequences of the relationship between thè historical present and thè ideal eternai history, as well as of thè rise of ‘articulated language’ from the very process of formation of the first ‘heroic’ communities.
- FULVIO TESSITORE, Presentazione 7
- GIUSEPPE CACCIATORE, Sulla genesi dei concetti vichiani di ingegno e fantasia 21
- GENNARO CARILLO, Allegria di barbarie 29
- PAOLO CRISTOFOLINI, Storia di parole e storia di cose. Noterella sulla filologia vichiana 37
- PIERRE GIRARD, Le Vico d’Antonio Gramsci 41
- FABRIZIO LOMONACO, SU metafisica e storia: il Diritto universale 51
- ENRICO NUZZO, Vico nel Settecento. Vico tra gli illuminismi? 59
- MATTEO PALUMBO, Cesare Pavese e il selvaggio 67
- BRUNO PINCHARD, Ereignis ou Humanitas? L’antique sagesse selon Vico et Virgile 75
- RAFFAELE RUGGIERO, La nozione storica di diritto naturale nel pensiero di Vico tra De ratione e De uno 89
- MANUELA SANNA, Il «divorzio» tra lingua e cuore e l’esempio socratico 105
- JOSÉ M. SEVILLA, Un Vico monarquista? Su recepción derechista en la prensa espanda (1902-1936) 115
- JURGEN TRABANT, Sechs unzeitgemaesse Bemerkungen über Vico 129
- VINCENZO VITIELLO, Le ‘parole reali’ di Idantura 141
- ANDREA BATTISTINI, PIERRE GIRARD, Due Note a un recente volume su Vico 153
- GIUSEPPE PATELLA, Giambattista Vico e gli studi culturali. Parte prima 163
- ANNA DI BELLO, La bolla In coena Domini e il regalismo anticuriale nel Regno di Napoli 173
- PIO COLONNELLO, Croce e la teoria vichiana del riso. Dall’«io severo» all’«io melanconico» 185
- RAFFAELLA SANTI, Hobbes neo-epicureo? Vico, Hobbes e il De Legibus Naturae di Cumberland 197
- ROSSELLA GAGLIONE, Perché l’uomo (non) è un animale. A proposito di una monografia vichiana 213
- GIOVANNI SCARPATO, Nel segno della radicalità: filosofia e politica nella Napoli del Seicento 220
- MAURO SCALERCIO, Vico, pensatore di quale modernità? 225
- DANIEL CANARIS, Italian Humanism Between Hegel and Heidegger 231
- STEFANIA LA ROSA, L’universo vichiano e le sue espressioni linguistiche 238