Trilogia degli esclusi. Vol. Il buio sulla zattera

Teatro-reading sul naufragio che ispirò La zattera della Medusa di Théodore Géricault
Un saggio e un testo teatrale



La zattera della medusa

Un laboratorio per un’etica interculturale

Il buio sulla zattera

Teatro-reading sul naufragio che ispirò

La zattera della Medusa di Théodore Géricault

Indice dei nomi

The Trilogy of the Excluded is a cycle of three philosophical-musical theatre readings, staged in Naples between 2015 and 2023 and united by the theme of exclusion, philosophically declined according to three branches. Exclusion: 1) from a restricted group (crew and passengers of an ancient frigate) – I. Darkness on the Raft; 2) from a place of choice where one can earn a life worthy of the name – II. Nauaghía naufragium. Names and Epiphanies from the Pain of Migrants; 3) from work due to automation – III. Busy Factory. Hyperbolic Monodrama in Rehearsal.

Without any claim to exhaustiveness and systematicity, the Trilogy only wants to show three cases of suffering by exclusion, in which victims and perpetrators, respectively, are put and are put outside the human.

Starting with this volume, the texts of the three performances are collected together with the author’s essays devoted to the same topics as the performances. Two different types of writing are thus juxtaposed: one argumentative-demonstrative and the other performative-ostensive. A strategy to address, at the same time, specialists and the wider audience of non-specialists.


Trilogia degli esclusi. Vol. Il buio sulla zattera

Autore: Rosario Diana
Trilogia egli esclusi
Milano-Udine, 2023
ISBN: 9791222304465