Inserire testo in inglese: presentazione dell'ISPF
Inserire testo in inglese “intro linea di ricerca Philological paths: critical editions of Vico, Vallisneri and Cattaneo”. […]
Studying the past to understand the present and improve the future. Thucydides’ famous advice reveals all its validity when looking at the complex networks of cultural transfer that have marked relations between Europe, the Mediterranean and the East throughout the modern and contemporary age. These plural identities and cultural interactions need to be profoundly understood in their historical and critical context to grasp the meaning, features and significance of philosophical, religious, political, and social speculation in the modern age and in the contemporary world. This means that the methods and techniques of investigation have to focus on reciprocal legacies within a multi- and inter-disciplinary concept, placing them within a historical-philosophical timeframe between early modernity and the present. […]
History and Philosophy of science have long unveiled the constitutive relationship of the sciences with their social, cultural and political context. The authority of the sciences, grounded on rigorous methods and practices inherently open to self-correction, is not invalidated but enriched by the multiple interactions with other fields of knowledge, not least the humanistic ones, which share the same commitment to understand and respond to the challenges of their time. Our main research topics address the multiplicity of these interactions from the early modern period to the present. […]
Inserire testo in inglese “intro linea di ricerca Philosophy, literature, languages of the arts”. […]
Inserire testo in inglese “intro linea di ricerca Philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries”. […]
Inserire testo in inglese “intro linea di ricerca Observatory on Humanities and Digital Humanities”. […]
5 July 2022
Pan/demìa. Osservatorio filosofico
The project ‘Pan/demìa. Philosophical Observatory’, was born out of the desire to explore the contribution of the human sciences in addressing and understanding the viral crisis: a virtual space dedicated to the most controversial and urgent issues arising from the irruption of the Coronavirus, to be investigated with the support of the thought of the great philosophers.