Luisa Simonutti

Office: Naples


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Research Associate at Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies-CREMS, University of York.
Co-Editor in chief of Brepols series SoPhIHAS – Studies on Philosophy, Intellectual History, Arts and Sciences, and Associate editor of the journal Studi lockiani. Ricerche sull’età moderna.
Member of the Executive Committee of “The John Locke Society” and Member of Scientific Committee of “Societas Spinozana”.
She has been Visiting professor at EPHE, Paris, at ENS, Lyon, and at IHR University of Geneva, directeur d’études at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris. She has been Visiting research fellow at Vera Gottschalk Frank Foundation, Leiden; at the University of York; and at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Chapman University, Orange, CA. She has been a professor at the University of Ferrara, Vercelli and Trieste.

Main research interests
THE RESEARCH ACTIVITIES converge at the intersection of early modern intellectual history with the political-theological debate, and that on toleration, with special attention to John Locke’s biblical hermeneutics. The research entails a detailed analysis of Locke and the Inspirational Melting Pot of Europe. The research activity is to pursue the history of ideas across multiple linguistic/intellectual traditions, translation and philosophy, and the cultural transfer between Europe and the Mediterranean Basin in modern times. The research activity has also concerned the diffusion of Spinoza’s works in England during the 17th century, particularly among the Cambridge Platonists, the Deists, the Latitudinarians, and among certain scientists involved in the Royal Society and the ‘Boyle lectures’0.

  • Philosophy, politics and religion in Europe and the Mediterranean in the modern age. Cultural and conceptual history of emotions, sympathy, empathy, consciousness.
  • Theory of tolerance, right of resistance (XVI-XVIII) (Politiques, Pierre Bayle, John Locke, Spinoza).
  • English moralists, deists. Biblical hermeneutics, identity, political-religious aspects and philosophy in John Locke.
  • Circulation of Spinoza’s thought in the Netherlands and England. Historical critical method, biblical hermeneutics and scientific method in Spinoza.
  • Translation and philosophy in modern times. The dictionary of the translators: 1600-1800.

THE ACTIVITIES as Scientific coordinator for Intellectual history in the early modern and modern period in Europe, the Mediterranean basin, and the East. Texts and contexts, Research Unit of the ISPF. Scientific coordinator for international programs with universities, European research institutions and agencies for the ISPF. Scientific co-coordinator for Project Mathematics in Culture.The Inextricable Link with Chapman University-INDAM-ISPF. Scientific co-coordinator of the Project and Data Base of The dictionary of the translators: 1600-1800 with European University Institute, University of Firenze, ISPF. Leader of the WG Ideas in motion for COST Action CA18140- ‘People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923)’ (PIMo), 5 years: 2018-2023. She has been a scientific co-coordinator for Project and Seminar series Entangled Histories of Emotions in the Mediterranean World with SHE – Australia. MG Member in ISCH COST Action IS1310 Reassembling the Republic of Letters, 1500-1800.  Participant in various national and international research projects. Member of the editorial board and peer reviewer in various journals and series. She has been a member of national and international competition and doctoral committees. Invited speaker at several conferences in numerous universities in Europe, USA and Australia and leader in the organization of international conferences.

Curriculum Vitae (caricare versione inglese)