Manuela Sanna
Phone: +39
Office: Naples
ISPF Director, CNR Research Director
View her list of publications on CNR Explora
Manuela Sanna has been doing research at the National Research Council since 1984, becoming Senior Researcher in 1995 and Research Director in 2002. From 2009 to the present, she has directed – in vicarious or full function – the Institute for the History of Philosophy and Science in Modern Age.
Research interest:
Her areas of scholarly interest focus on the analysis of modern historical-philosophical culture combined with philological methods. After dealing with authors such as Tschirhnhaus, Leibniz and Spinoza, she devoted herself to the thought of Giambattista Vico and the editing of the critical edition of his works. As head of the scientific coordination of this edition, she edited the volume of the Epistles (1993), The Deeds of Antonio Carafa (1997), the 1730 and 1744 editions of the Scienza nuova together with Paolo Cristofolini (2004 and 2013), as well as the three editions of the Scienza nuova with Vincenzo Vitiello for Bompiani (2012), and the De antiquissima with Edizioni di storia e letteratura (2005). She has also edited other modern classics. The leading theme of her philosophical inquiry is strongly related to the theme of Truth and its deviances.