Roberto Evangelista
Email: roberto.evangelista@ispf.cnr.it
Phone: +39
Office: Naples
Senior Researcher
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Roberto Evangelista is researcher at the ISPF – CNR. He is part of the editorial board of the journals “Bollettino del centro di studi vichiani”, and “Laboratorio dell’ISPF”, and of the “I Quaderni del Lab” series. He co-directs, together with Manuela Sanna and Alessia Scognamiglio, the “Cultura meridionale” series and is a founding partner and member of the scientific committee of the societas spinozana. He is representative for Network “CREO – CNR (Campania Research Outreach), and member of the ISPF research unit for the PON project “IDEHA. Innovations for data processing in the cultural heritage sector ” and oversaw the networking of some Vico materials for the “Portale Vico”. In 2016 he published a volume for the series “Scoprire la filosofia” entitled Vico. Perché l’uomo non è un animale (Hachette, 2016), he edited Tommaso Rossi’s work Della mente sovrana del mondo (I Quaderni del Lab, ISPF-CNR 2014), and published a monograph entitled Il bagaglio politico degli individui. La dinamica consuetudinaria nella riflessione politica di Spinoza, (Mimesis, 2010). He has written several essays on Spinoza and Vico and on Ernesto De Martino.
Research interests: The research activity of Roberto Evangelista deals with the history of modern philosophy, with a particular focus on political philosophy and the history of political thought. The main authors of reference are Spinoza, Locke and Vico. Among the themes dealt with in his research activity are mainly the modern rethinking of the relationship between imagination and rationality, and the development and diffusion of materialist ideas during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and their impact on the development of the concept of ideology. Roberto Evangelista wrote about Ernesto De Martino, focusing mainly on the philosophical value of his reflection and on the themes of subaltern popular culture and of underdevelopment.