Work in progress. Piccolo cantiere filosofico. Teatro-reading per due voci recitanti, coro e danzatrice
Work in progress. Piccolo cantiere filosofico
Teatro-Reading per due voci recitanti, coro e danzatrice
Alcuni momenti dello spettacolo
Fotografie di Francesco Blenx
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Work in Progress is a performance of philosophical-musical theatre reading and dance, in which different art forms converge towards a common goal: to provoke movements of ideas, to help unmask prejudices, and to stimulate free critical thinking. It was staged in Naples, at the Centro Domus Ars, on 7 December 2023 and 7 February 2024 (with a different chorus), directed by the author. The performance distantly resumes the oratorio form and is divided into twelve key words – preceded and followed by an Introitus and an Exitus respectively – arranged in sequence. It is – as the subtitle states – a small philosophical construction site, whose individual headwords may be revised, rewritten, eliminated or increased in number over time. The site has no pretensions to exhaustiveness or systematicity, on the contrary: it wants to be open, like an ideal place where work in progress never ends. This characteristic alludes to the inexhaustibility of philosophical reflection, which here finds its artificial limits in the beginning and end of a play.